You're on the trolldad archives page of the JMegaSystems website.

This is the Junichiro Mega-Systems trolldad archives page.

With permission to mention it, my dad is the legendary internet troll Jackie Wu. Here, with permission and approval, I give some of his writings a home on the internet since he can barely operate a computer to do anything other than write YouTube comments and e-mails, and since there's no other place on the internet with this writings archived in any sort of formatted way.

To all the people who have wondered, disagreed, and debated about it, Jackie Wu is a real person, and the online Jackie Wu is the real Jackie Wu, not a persona, not a poe identity. Additionally, he is not afflicted with any brain injury or cognitive medical conditions.

Trolldad archive 1: Jackie Wu on Stoicism, in the format of replying to a large selection of quotes from historic Stoic philosophers.

Trolldad archive 2: Jackie Wu on the Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching), translations and commentary.

Trolldad archive 3: Jackie Wu's translations of a series of lectures on Zhuangzi.

Trolldad archive 4: Jackie Wu's translation of a lecture on Confucius on love and universal human value.