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Learn things from Junichiro Mega-Systems.

YouTube channel JMegaSystems

The first installment of a series called "Getting From 2D to 3D Math"

Everything you need to know about Canadian accents in 4 minutes

The 'What' and 'Why' of Functional Programming Languages, A Lecture

Every physics student should watch this worked example of a static friction problem/solution (especially students of first year statics). It's 95 minutes long. Find the time for it. There are additional pages on this site for it. The example (just the set up) is from the book Applied Mechanics for Engineering Technology (a bad book, do not recommend). Fair use (just the problem is borrowed. The entirety of the solution is my own work. I haven't borrowed anything else from that book).

Learn some ancient Chinese philosophy with the matching translation audiobook of the Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching) (dictation mine, translation James Legge, expired copyright).

Learn some even weirder ancient Chinese philosophy with the matching translation audiobook of Word Guy(Wenzi or Wen-Tzu) Scroll 1, my original translation and dictation of it!

Learn some coding with this guide to the video game Bitburner (guide by me, but I'm not the maker of Bitburner), comprehensive beginner/intermediate guide, 66 minutes long. Recommended for people who know a little bit of coding, but it's not for completely new beginners to coding.

YouTube channel FrungyKing

is my secondary channel, with lots of rando stuff not related to education, where JMegaSystems channel ^^ has most of the long-form serious stuff, but there are some educational videos on this one, too.

Video Programming - Why Haskell is Great - 10 minutes

Video How to Build an Igloo from Snow is the complete guide to making an igloo from snow, even if you don't have access to ice blocks. You can follow this guide to make an igloo anywhere that gets more than a couple inches of snowfall, assuming you have access to a big enough patch of snow to gather from.

Did you know you could control 1 character with 2 analog sticks in Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64 even when controllers had only 1 analog stick on them?

How to set your kitchen on fire in an attempt to cook a pork shoulder.

An experiment / science demo on how doges understand hooman language.